The only command skill I liked was snipe. Finally, most of the skills are good, but some suck and should be avoided, IMO, Rush/First/Sensor Plus/Alertness/Revenge come to mind. Weapon skills are also very good investments, as is evade for front line troops (make sure they arent using cumbersome legs/bodies though, as it will be a waste of the pilots skills). So, make sure you keep their APs maxes and hit the computer shop as needed. Obviously, bonus attacks rock, but the opportunities are useless if your guys dont have APs to spare. What I found to be most important was: Links. There are a lot of ways you can take your characters, but the above worked very well for me and aside from having trouble with beating 2 Simulator missions quick enough to unlock their goodies, I trounced the game on normal. But, towards the end game neither weapon is particularly powerful, so I ditched it and just gave him a really good MG. For a while he had a Vampire arm which combines an MG and a Missle Launcher. Like the others, hard to switch his weapon early, but eventually you can.īeck MG/Radio. Basically just like Chaeffer, and similarly, its hard to do this early on.īosch Bazooka/Sensor. There comes a time when some missions have enemies with obnoxious resists, but by then the antilock feature of EMP packs becomes very attractive. Gave him a shield when he had weight to spare. I gave her the peerless Minotaur arm which combines a bazooka and a rocket launcher, and ditched her grenade launcher and melee wep.

Early on its hard to do this because of weight/power issues. Gave him a rifle along with his Repair pack. He becomes the best unit across both teams with the right gear.Ĭhaeffer. Later in the game when more wanzer parts become available you get a lot more opportunities to customize.ĭaril SG/Melee. In general, the ‘default’ character classes work well, especially early. The exceptions being some of the later UCS missions, where your allies are crappy and need lots of repairing to stay in the thick of combat and the late game D13 Simulator mission where you are forced to split your squad into two teams of 3. But, one repair backpack per team served me well enough for the majority of the game. The sensor backpack is indispensable here. Finally, there are 1-2 plot missions later in the game where you have allied missle units, with very bad 3 move legs. If your missle guys have crappy legs and low movement, this strategy is even more useful.

He soaks up the attacks and the missle guys can pound away with impunity. The theory being you boost the sensor guy’s evasion and send him to the front. However, later in the game you will get another character who comes preloaded with a missle weapon. The sensor backpack is something you can generally live without.